(Diponegoro Capital Market Days)

Diponegoro Capital Market Days (DCMD) is a series of capital market events organized by the oldest KSPM (Capital Market Study Group) in Indonesia, KSPM FEB Diponegoro University. The events aim to educate and engage the public, particularly students, about various aspects of the capital market.


Diponegoro Capital Market Days

“Market Sway: Political and Corporate Confluence in the Era of Conglomerate Power”

The Diponegoro Capital Market Days (DCMD) is a series of events organized by KSPM FEB Diponegoro University, the oldest Capital Market Study Group (KSPM) in Indonesia. Established to fulfill KSPM’s vision of bringing capital market knowledge to the wider community, DCMD features two major events: The Diponegoro National Capital Market Investment Competition (Dinamic) and the Capital Market Fair (CMF). These events target all ages, with a particular focus on millennials and Gen-Z, aiming to broaden their understanding of the capital market and encourage them to explore investment opportunities.

The 2024 edition of Diponegoro Capital Market Days (DCMD) tackles the timely theme “Market Sway: Political and Corporate Confluence in the Era of Conglomerate Power.” This year’s theme reflects Indonesia’s election time and the undeniable influence of politics on the capital market. Government decisions and the overall political climate can significantly impact stock prices, requiring investors to adapt their strategies. DCMD 2024 provides a platform to explore this intricate connection, examining how political factors influence corporate decisions and ultimately shape market dynamics.




Diponegoro National Capital Market Investment Competition (Dinamic) is a grand event series of Diponegoro Capital Market Days (DCMD) organized by the oldest KSPM in Indonesia, namely KSPM FEB Diponegoro University. As the name implies, Dinamic serves as a platform for all undergraduate and diploma students to express their brilliant ideas by recommending BUY/HOLD/SELL for a stock issuer listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in the form of a valuation paper. With the presence of Dinamic, it is hoped that it can increase students' critical thinking about the capital market world

Capital Market Fair

The Capital Market Fair is a national seminar that discusses the world of capital markets with speakers from stakeholders in the world of capital markets who already have a lot of experience and knowledge. This seminar discusses the latest problems or issues that occur around or relate to the world of capital markets. In this seminar, the speakers presented the speaker's material/views on the latest capital market issues and held discussions with the speakers and seminar participants to discuss the issues that were used as CMF discussion topics. CMF is the peak and closing event of the DCMD series


Universitas Indonesia

Universitas Gadjah Mada

Universitas Padjajaran

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman

Trisakti School of Management

Universitas Negeri Semarang

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

Universitas Sebelas Maret

Universitas Kristen Duta Wacana

Universitas Tanjungpura

Diponegoro Capital Market Days

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